Charge What You’re Worth

Why is it that women especially have a difficult time appreciating and owning the value they bring to the table – both in business and in the workplace?  A lot of it has to do with how society has taught us…we’re making progress, but we still have a long way to go.

And I’m happy to provide workshops and training programs that help women entrepreneurs stand in the truth of their value and charge what they’re worth.  Here’s how you can empower yourself and stand in the power of what you’re worth:

  1. Identify and understand the results your clients get as a result of your work.
  2. Know what your time is worth to you.
  3. Gain clarity on what sets you apart from the rest – what makes you unique.
  4. Shift your mindsets and adopt an empowering pricing paradigm.
  5. Stop charging for your time…instead, charge for the value you deliver.
  6. People NEED you, and you playing small (discounting your value) is a huge disservice to them.
  7. PRACTICE stating your fees and unique value until it becomes as easy as saying “pass the salt”.


“Doubts and fears are normal, but they don’t define our value” (Casey Brown)
Here’s a great Ted Talk on defining and communicating what you’re worth.


[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Linda Spencer is a CPA, CA, Canadian Tax Specialist and Money Mindfulness Coach. Her mission is to eliminate stress and anxiety people experience around money and taxes, by empowering them with the tools, knowledge, strategies and mindsets that will put them in the driver’s seat of their business success and financial wellness, so they can have more harmony, joy and abundance in their life.[/author_info] [/author]

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