The New Year is almost here, and it’s a time when most people are thinking about what they would like to accomplish in the next year.
Here are 12 questions to ask to inspire your business goals for 2018 and make it your best year yet! You can achieve anything you desire…you may just need a few more tools and some new skills and guidance to get you there. Be INSPIRED to create what you imagine.
- What IS your revenue goal for the next 12 months? I challenge you to stretch this beyond your comfort zone…what if you doubled your revenue goal? What would it BE like to consciously grow your business that quickly?
- What would you need to create and offer, that people would generously and graciously pay you for, that would be fun for you to create?
- What would that offer look like? What value would customers receive?
- How many customers would you need (new customers and total customer)? Who are they? Where can you find them?
- Who would you have to talk to or get in front of to get those customers and hit that bold revenue goal over the next 12 months?
- When do you need to talk to them? (block time in your calendar)
- We only know what we know…what are the leadership skills you need to develop to achieve that goal? Perhaps you need sales training or an upgrade in your writing skills. Perhaps you need more financial know-how…what are those leadership skills of successful business owners that you’re missing?
- We each only have 24 hours in a day. Think about how you spend your time…what is the shift you need to make in how you organize your time for you to achieve your 2018 bold revenue goal?
- Who do you need to help you uplevel your business and achieve that 12-month bold money goal? This could be clients, team members, support from family & friends, coaches and mentors.
- We all have money stories, beliefs and habits. What is one money habit that you need to shift or adopt? What do you have to stop doing, or start doing with your money to help you achieve that 12-month bold revenue goal? (perhaps it’s tracking and reviewing your numbers on a regular basis)
- Persistence and consistency in action produces results. What are you committed to do consistently to achieve these goals? You may need to call 5 people each day, or do a weekly live video, or perhaps go for a daily walk…whatever you decide, do it consistently to get results.
- You won’t receive what you don’t ask for…so what will you FEARLESSLY ask for that will help you achieve your goals?
- Every successful person has their own success habits that they practice daily. What daily success habits will you practice that will help you achieve these goals? (If you need ideas, just search up “daily success habits”.)
The key is to always start with the end in mind, and understand the gaps you need to fill from where you are to get to where you want to go. You can chunk these 12 month goals down into quarterly and monthly goals (I highly recommend using a planning calendar), and build in these priorities you determined above into the monthly action steps you need to take to hit your goals. It’s like a road trip – you set your destination and your currently location, then determine the step-by-step directions that will get you to where you want to go most efficiently, while enjoying the journey along the way.
What are YOU inspired to create for 2018?