“Be INSPIRED to create what you imagine” (Linda J. Spencer)
Welcome to a brand new year…time to kick-start your strategic action plan with clarity and focus! Strategic business planning is essential for your business success. Your business plan is like a roadmap – it gives your direction for where you want to go and how to get there with the most direct route. A good strategic plan keeps you focused.
In November, I posted my 8 Steps to Building Your Road map to Success. Over the next 8 weeks, I’ll dive deeper into what each of those steps are, and specific actions you can take to create your own road map to success.
So, where do you start? You should start with the end in mind…this is Step 1 to creating your business success road map: define and clarify your goals.
The key with defining the end result you want in your business is to get really clear about what you want and why. Ask yourself key questions like:
- Where do you want your business to go? What do you want to create with your business? and WHY? Write down your goals for the next year, 3 years, 10 years. Really challenge yourself – Dream BIG! Studies show that if you think small, you’ll play small – so think BIG and play BIG!
- What would really make your heart sing to achieve in your business long-term?
- What impact would achieving these goals have on your life? What would it mean for your family?
- What are your SMART (specific, meaningful, attainable, relevant, time sensitive) stretch goals for this year? List your BIG revenue goals as well as things like the number of customers you want to serve and any new projects you want to launch / implement. Don’t try to boil the ocean here, but make them big enough to excite you and be impactful…pick just 1 to 3 key things that you’ll focus on this year that will really pull your business forward to meeting your long term BIG objectives. Chunk them down into key milestones, and add target dates to them.
With your goals for the next year clarified, you can now move forward with focus in making business decision and taking inspired action that is aligned with those goals.
Stay tuned for next week…I’ll get into Step 2 of creating your business success roadmap…the essential step of knowing where you’re starting from!
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