Money is Evil?

What stories were you told about money when you were growing up?  What stories about money do you tell yourself and your kids now?

Go ahead, list them…I’ve heard (and told) so many:

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  • Money is evil (or the root of all evil).
  • Rich people are snobs, bitches, a-holes…they don’t care about anyone but themselves.
  • Money is hard to come by…you have to work hard for money.
  • If you don’t work hard, you don’t deserve money.
  • There’s not enough money…you can’t afford to ________.
  • Rich people are spoiled.
  • So and so was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
  • People with money are crooks/crooked – they never made an honest day’s wage.
  • You’re not smart enough to make a lot of money.
  • You can’t take it with you, so you might as well spend it and enjoy life now.
  • You have no idea where the money goes – it just seems to disappear.
  • Money is elusive…just when you’re starting to build some savings, something happens (illness, car repairs, home repairs, etc.) to drain your bank accounts.
  • You’ll never get out of debt.
  • You’ll never have enough money to do the things you want to.

(And so on)

Do you cringe or stress every time you look at a bill or your bank accounts, and start complaining about said bill or bank account?

Now, if you were Money, and I kept telling all these stories about you, would you ever want to hang out with me or help me?  Likely not.

Here’s the thing – The energy you put out there is the energy you get back.  So if you’re always complaining about Money, how hard it is to get money, how bad it is, well, guess what – you’re not making a good invitation for Money to come and stay with you.

Start paying attention to the energy and words you put around money.  Go ahead, write down all your money stories (how you feel about it, what you think about it).  Acknowledge how you’ve been treating money.  Then apologize, and start showing it some love instead…start inviting it into your reality and show it some appreciation.  Here are some things you COULD do instead of complaining about Money:

  • Be grateful for every dollar coming in AND going out (yes, be grateful for your bills too, and what they represent).
  • Dream about Money and all the positive ways it can contribute to you.
  • Imagine what Money looks like, feels like, and how it feels to have Money.
  • Start asking questions about how you can have more money, or how you can do xxx with more money.


The truth is, Money makes life easier, allowing you to do more and experience more of what brings you and your family joy.  Just think – the more money you have, them more good you can do in this world.

I invite you to shift your money stories – from contracting and negative to expansive and empowering.  What would your life BE like with Money as your partner?

Visit for upcoming workshops and programs that will transform your money stories and help you create a healthy relationship with Money and finance.


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