What are Money Archetypes?

We tend to operate from a adopted set of stories, beliefs, fears and motivations taken on from outside influences and other lifetimes  (but not to say that you can’t change them, because you can!).

Your Sacred Money Archetypes® are symbolic metaphors that help you understand your patterns and behaviors with money and financial decisions. These give you direction and guide your choices…they show you who you are so that you can become aware of, and change your unconscious money behaviors.  I like to think of your Money Archetypes as tools that you can draw on to get you unstuck and keep you moving forward in your path to financial freedom.  They are a powerful insight tool, helping you discover where you have the opportunity to grow and create a rich and meaningful life.

Being a primarily a Nurturer archetype, I would tend to give way more than I received.  Understanding my Money Archetypes has allowed me to become more aware and conscious of my money habits and decisions, and set empowering money boundaries so that I’m no longer going into debt to help others (it has also made certain relationships even stronger).  In so doing, I’m empowering others to stand up for themselves more (give a man a fishing rod and teach him to fish…I used to give the man a fish ;)).
In a Money Archetype Insights session, I walk you through a process to identify your top 3 Sacred Money Archetypes® and how you can use these to become more aware of your financial decisions and align your actions to achieve your financial destiny.  Thousands of people around the world have made positive changes in their money flows just with understanding their money archetypes (and this is just the first steps of many in my money mindset makeover system).   Once we’ve discovered your Money Archetypes, we then look at your goals and priorities and determine the actions you can take to align your priorities to your financial destiny through the Money Archetype Insights tool (you choose whether you want to focus on business or personal priorities).


If you would like to book a Money Archetype Insights session, click the link below to purchase your session.  You will then receive a message with a link to my booking calendar.  

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