It’s been a while since I’ve been woken up in the middle of the night with a spark of inspiration so great that I just had to get up and write it.
“It’s not about the number of days you’ve lived, but how well you’ve lived the days you’ve been given.”
I couldn’t go back to sleep. The message kept repeating until I got out of bed and came down to the computer. What does this mean – how well you’ve lived the days you’ve been given? It is different for everyone. But you can find out for yourself by asking these questions: Why are you here? What are you here to do? If you had $100million, what would you be doing with your life? What is your personal mission statement?
I’ve been reflecting on this myself for the last couple of weeks (perhaps this is why I woke up with this message – that it’s time to share this with you). For me, I envision a world filled with joy and harmony. My mission is to inspire, empower and assist people to have more joy and harmony in their lives, as I do so for myself. I came to the realization of this mission about 10 years ago, at a time in my life that I was not having much joy or harmony in my own life – my job was making me sick; there was a lot of tension, anger, and resentment in my marriage; my baby kept me up at night; the closest friend I had lived 500 miles away; I had no hobby that filled me up. It took adversity to wake me up, and I remember sitting in my basement office asking myself, why am I here? What am I here to do? What would I like my life to look like?
I still have the piece of paper I wrote it on…my personal mission statement:
- To be the best I can be
- To help people achieve their goals and fulfill their objectives through inspiration, motivation, education, and empowerment
- To make people smile
- To live each day with love and happiness
Then I started asking HOW…how could I do this? Then new doors started to open. A new job came, as did many personal growth (and re-membering) opportunities, and new relationships. Creativity also began to flow again (that hadn’t flowed in over 10 years prior) with a new level of inspiration and empowerment, in writing inspirational poetry that has been published internationally. And although I haven’t written much poetry in the last couple of years, I have not stopped writing to inspire, creating to empower, educate and motivate people to smile daily. VisionSpire was not even a thought back then. But 3 years ago when I decided to start my business, I began to imagine inspiring, educating and empowering people through my business. At first, it was to inspire and empower joy by relieving tax stress…it has morphed into so much more. And each day I ask, what contribution to joy and harmony for the planet can I be today? What can I do to have more joy and harmony in my own life?
Each time I find myself faced with adversity or drifting off-track, I am reminded of my personal mission statement, and start asking “How can I do this”…doors open.
You see, everyone faces adversity throughout their lives. You can choose to let it get you down, to live each day complaining about what happened, about how hard done by you were, how much you lost, how crappy life is…wasting your days in self-pity. Or you can rise up, and LIVE. When you have a written personal mission statement, a vision for what you’d like life to be like, you will rise all the stronger and faster from each adversity that comes, and you will live your vision.
What is YOUR personal vision and mission? What are you here to do? How will you live the days you’ve been given?